Local development & testing

Install basic requirements

Use the tools appropriate to your operating system to install the following packages. For OSX you can use Homebrew. For Ubuntu you can use Apt.

  • pip
  • virtualenv
  • virtualenvwrapper
  • PostgreSQL
  • Mercurial (hg)

Set up PANDA

This script will setup the complete application, except for Solr. Be sure to read the comments, as some steps require opening additional terminals:

# Get source and requirements
git clone git://github.com/pandaproject/panda.git
cd panda
mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages panda
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Create log directory
sudo mkdir /var/log/panda
sudo chown $USER /var/log/panda

# Create data directories
mkdir /tmp/panda
mkdir /tmp/panda_exports

# Enter "panda" when prompted for password
createuser -d -R -S -P panda
createdb -O panda panda
python manage.py syncdb --noinput
python manage.py migrate --noinput
python manage.py loaddata panda/fixtures/init_panda.json
python manage.py loaddata panda/fixtures/test_users.json

# Start PANDA
python manage.py runserver

Open a new terminal in the PANDA directory and enter:

# Start the task queue
workon panda
python manage.py celeryd

Open another terminal in the PANDA directory and enter:

# Run a local email server
workon panda
fab local_email

Set up Solr

Installing Solr can be tricky and will vary quite a bit depending on your operating system. The following will get you up and running on OSX Lion, using Homebrew. If you’ve just started the PANDA server, open a new terminal in the PANDA directory and enter these commands:

# Get into the env
workon panda

# Update brew
brew update
brew install git

# Install solr 3.4.0 (hacky, but it works)
cd /usr/local/Cellar/
git checkout da53d68 /usr/local/Library/Formula/solr.rb
brew install solr
git reset --hard

# Create Solr home directory
sudo mkdir /var/solr
sudo chown $USER /var/solr

# Jump back to the directory where you installed PANDA
cd ~/src/panda

# This command will install all Solr configuration
fab local_reset_solr

# To start Solr
fab local_solr

Checking your PANDA

Your PANDA should now be running at:


A PANDA installed locally will not run through the normal setup mode procudure. Instead, two default users will be created.

You can login using the default user credentials:

Username: user@pandaproject.net
Password: user

Or the default administrator credentials:

Username: panda@pandaproject.net
Password: panda

Running Python unit tests

To run the unit tests, start Solr and execute the test runner, like so:

# Ensure you are in the PANDA source directory and your virtualenv is active
# You may need to customize the fabfile so it can find your Solr installation.
fab local_solr

# Quite a bit of output will be printed to the screen.
# Wait until you see something like
# 2011-11-02 14:15:54.061:INFO::Started SocketConnector@
# Then, open another terminal and change to your PANDA source directory.
workon panda
python manage.py test panda

Running Javascript unit tests

Running the Javascript unit tests requires that the application server is running (to render the the JST template map). To run the Javascript tests, first start the test server with python manage.py runserver, then open the file client/static/js/SpecRunner.html in your browser (e.g. file://localhost/Users/onyxfish/src/panda/client/static/js/SpecRunner.html.

Project Versions

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PANDA: A Newsroom Data Appliance 1.0.1

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